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Global Construction Machinery Mainframe Manufacturers Ranking

Jun 08, 2022

The sales of the world's top 50 construction machinery mainframe manufacturers have rebounded since the epidemic and reached a record high. The title mentioned is from this year's Yellow Table. The data comes from the construction machinery sales of the world's top 50 mainframe manufacturers this year, reaching an eye-catching $232.7 billion. This is the highest ever recorded by the Yellow Table and is up 20.8% from last year.

This is not surprising. According to the report of Off-Highway Research, an industry professional organization, about 1.2 million construction machinery and equipment will be sold in 2021, and the sales volume will increase by 9% compared with 2020, which is the highest record in history. For context, overall sales in the Yellow Table were $191.5 billion last year. This came in a year dominated by the Covid-19 pandemic, down from $202.7 billion the previous year. Sales will always rebound once lockdowns are lifted (in the vast majority of countries).

This growth is remarkable (perhaps sustainable) because the growth is global. Last year's list, despite the raging global epidemic, the market fell by only 5.5%, which was due to the super-strong sales performance of the Chinese market. Sales in China will show a slight decline in 2021, but other major global markets, such as Europe and North America, have all grown gratifyingly.

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